Replacing Moldy Car Foam Padding

Replacing Moldy Car Foam Padding

Replacing Moldy Car Foam Padding When a car has mold in it and is wet, the carpet padding often needs to be replaced. Once the padding gets wet it stays wet since the carpet blocks air from getting to the padding. Since the padding stays wet, it often becomes infested...
Car Door Vapor Barrier Repair

Car Door Vapor Barrier Repair

Car Door Vapor Barrier Repair When fixing a car door vapor barrier leak you have to remove the plastic door trim shell and reseal the outer perimeter of the plastic sheeting which is the vapor barrier. The best way to reseal the plastic vapor barrier is with a butyl...
How Mold Grows on Inorganic Surfaces

How Mold Grows on Inorganic Surfaces

How Mold Grows on Inorganic Surfaces While mold cannot directly get nutrients from inorganic materials like concrete, glass, metal, or plastic, it can grow on these surfaces under certain conditions. If a microscopic layer of organic nutrient, such as dust layers...